July- Friends, A- Crew, and Ladies Night


7/3/14 (1) 22:00 – Joe Ross with the AR and Buddy Kelley with the AK along with the A crew set out on an adventure. The warm night brought in a sizable prize. We love when friends and family come out for a good hunt on warm summer nights. 







7/19/14 (1) 23:00 – Sofie O’Connell, Kylie Gerbracht, Samantha Borny, Thania Cadena and Kristen Brown made a girls weekend break out the norm with a ladies night hunt. With the A Crew and some practice at the range the ladies did a great job taking care of business.




They took the usual route through the farm, as they past the feeder one of the shooters caught a glimpse of a long boar in the cattle field. With little notice, they gave chase and gained the title of Allenhurst Crew Ladies by bringing down a large, dark boar. 

They finished the night with a trip through the farms. Three small hogs were sighted on the edge of the farm but lost to the mott when they bolted before they were in range. The Allenhurst Crew Ladies made a final sweep of the property and ended the night with some new acquired hobbies and smiles.